Services - Certificates of Insurance Management and Tracking

Insurance is vital to every business but not always straight forward. Understanding and managing insurance certificates can be a daunting task.  DSS partners with Sure-Track and together, we handle this task. 

Sure-Track can relieve your staff of the complicated and time-consuming responsibility of tracking insurance documentation.

This service is seamless and very little effort is required by our clients.  Sure-Track will retrieve, store, and manage your certificates of insurance as they work from DSS Reports. They correspond directly with your trades to ensure compliance with your insurance requirements. In addition, they maintain an impressive, user-friendly website which allows remote access to your trades’ insurance documentation. Our low cost services are provided to developers of any size.



Dean...This is the most efficient third party OCIP administrator I have ever worked with... they also have services available out your way... so check 'em out... Insurance Agent
Description of Service(s)